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Devrooms Devrooms

We offer free software and open source projects rooms, where developers can meet or organise their own talk programs and workshops.

European Accessibility Resource Centre AccessibleEU (Room C118)

In this workshop, the basics of digital accessibility will be presented using the EU standard EN 301 549 entitled “Accessibility requirements for ICT products and services”. It defines accessibility requirements for information and communication technology in the public sector and is considered a binding standard.
Their criteria specify the importance of perceptibility, usability, comprehensibility and robustness according to EU Directive 2016/2102 “on barrier-free access to websites and mobile applications of public bodies”.
With the implementation decision (EU) 2021/1339 of August 12, 2021, EN 301 549 was published in version 3.2.1 in the European Official Journal. Since then, this new version has been decisive for the implementation of digital accessibility for public bodies of the federal government. Then the connection between EN 301 549 and BITV 2.0 will be explained. BITV is the implementation of EN 301 549 valid in Germany. In addition, the W3C/WAI guidelines WCAG (Web Accessibility Guidelines) are presented and test methods for their fulfilment are trained.

FOSS on Mobile (Room C117)

Come make 2024 the year of Linux on the smartphone with us!

If you're interested in Linux on Mobile devices feel free to stick around for some hacking, chats on current developments, to ask questions or to give a short presentation of your project.

Matrix Room:

kivitendo (Room C125)

Matrix Devroom (Room C120)

Matrix is an open network for secure, decentralized real-time communication.

Same as last years we are organizing a Matrix Devroom with lots of interesting talks and workshops together with the developers of Matrix.

We have a big and friendly community, join us at ( !

NixOS (Room C130)

PHP Subconference (Room C116)

This year we will organize a PHP room, which will be open for PHP related talks and discussions. We hope that we can keep up with the amazing conferences from the last years, and we expect it to be a wonderful open source event again. We would love to welcome you in the PHP room, either giving a talk, or just for a chat or listening.

We are looking for speakers right now by starting the Call for Papers (CfP), which will end at the 30.06.2023 - please submit your talks. The talks will be listed in the main schedule. You will get free entrance to the conference, but we won't be able to cover your travel expenses or accommodation costs.

You might also want to submit talks to the main schedule of the conference, which also accepts PHP related talks.

WordPress (Room C119)

WordPress is an open source content management system. We are the local Cologne and Bonn WordPress-Communitíes and would like to create a room with talks and workshops about WordPress (and ggfs. also other OpenSource-CMS) again this year.

Our program is intended to cover all topics related to CMS system -especially WordPress-: from developer and admin topics to design issues and legal and privacy topics.