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Call for Papers and Call for Projects Started News

Help to create FrOSCon’s lecture programme.

It is this time of the year again! For the 14th time we invite you to help to create FrOSCon’s lecture programme. Our Call for Papers and Call for Projects are open now. The focus topics of this year’s conference are

  • New horizons - Who will build the Open Source (mobile, car, fusion reactor, …)?
  • Smart Home - The journey from monitoring to automation and surveillance
  • Cyber-Peace - Suppose there’s a war and nobody hacks
  • Software Defined Anything - Instant Business, just add code
  • IOT - the S stands for security

Do you have a great idea for a talk or a workshop, that fits into our range of topics? Or do you want to show off your FLOSS project to a wider audience? Then get your keyboard ready! Until May 23rd you have time to enter talk or workshop proposals, sign up for a booth for your project, or ask for a room to held a meeting or offer your own programme.

We are looking forward to your contributions!