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We Have a Preliminary Programme News

Good things come to those who wait.

The good news first: we have published a first revision of our programme. First revision means that details of the programme might be subject to change. Talks might be shifted to different rooms or different time slots. Maybe life gets in the way of one or the other of our speakers and her or his talk might be canceled at all.

First revision also means that the sub conferences, the science track, the project rooms and many other important parts of the conference are not part of the programme yet. Don’t panic! They will be happen and we will add them to the programme peu à peu. Frequently taking a gander at the programme pays out.

From the many enquiries that reached us, we know that you are tensly waiting for the programme to be published. Some people might even make the decision for visiting the FrOSCon depend on the talks we offer. These are some reasons why we think it is important to publish the programme ‘as is’ and extend and refine it as needed.